“Mother nature is the artist.”

Baz Cumberbatch

Baz’s story


Baz Cumberbatch grew up on the beautiful and tropical islands of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. His art career began in his youth when he started making and selling t-shirts using shells, leaves, bones, corals, and pieces of trees in the Caribbean. In 1993, crowned Southern Caribbean Windsurfing Champion, Baz traveled the world before moving to California and then Hawaii to pursue a career in windsurfing, art, and to raise a family. In 2011, Baz visited Alaska and saw the water, mountains, skies, and land looking like the tropical trees that surrounded him. Upon returning to Hawaii, Baz began creating the all natural mixed media pieces he sells today at his home on the beautiful island of Maui.

As a peace builder, Baz contributed to the Black Lives Matter mural at the Evanston Art Center in Evanston, IL during the summer of 2020 and created a peace offering for The Peace Studio’s “100 Offerings of Peace” project.

In 2020 and 2021 Baz was accepted into the Black Creativity Juried Art Exhibition at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. This art exhibition is the longest running gallery of African American art in the United States.

In 2022 Baz was accepted into the annual Hawaiian Airlines Made in Maui County Festival, which is reserved only for businesses based in Maui County with products for sale meeting a minimum requirement of 51% value added in Hawaii.


Baz in nature’s art store

Mother nature is the painter but Baz has the ability to see beauty in her creations that most of us would simply walk by. Watch Baz collecting pieces of banana trees on Maui that will be transformed into beautiful pieces of art.